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Building a Sales Relationship

By Christine Schmidt on


Building a sales relationship with clients might sound a little “crazy,” and we get it. Sales itself has stereotypically been seen as an “uncomfortable” thing in just about every business across every industry. Why is that? Well, that answer will be different for each person, but overall it is usually because the word “sales” is thought to be synonymous with this idea of “selling anything to make a buck.”

So, if you align with that mentality, it’s only natural that the idea of building a sales relationship or sales process is nothing short of laughable and inauthentic. That’s why we believe it’s time to hop in and redefine what “sales” looks and feels like within your business.

This can be a “touchy" subject because deep down we all also know that every business needs to have sales relationships and processes in place to constantly bring in revenue but, how you build that relationship is totally within your control.

Key word there is how.

So, let’s jump into our top ways to build a sales relationship within your business that align with your mission and vision so you feel authentic and confident in your approach.

#1 Get to know your audience

How many of you have received spam marketing materials claiming that your car’s extended warranty is about to expire? At this point in 2022, it might be the majority of the US adult population. Why do those tactics bother us? Because they don’t know us. Frankly, they don’t even know if you have a car, own a car, lease a car, or what make and model you may have. It’s just a shot in the dark that creates a sour taste in our mouth.

Let’s not do that.

By taking the time to understand what your clients have purchased in the past (if anything), how frequently they have come to your business, and what classes or services they have specifically engaged in with your business are the fundamentals to getting started.

Getting to know your audience is not only important for you but it’s equally important to them so they feel welcome, cared for, and special within your business.

That being said, one pro tip we have here is to be slow and steady in this journey. Asking too many questions up front could be a little anxiety producing, so sticking to the basics about how they found you, what they enjoy, and what their goals are, are the best ways to start while being of service to them during the sales process.

HINT: When sales are done in the act of service to the client, you generate a personalized and enjoyable client experience.

#2 Don’t Shy Away From the Fine Print

When you walk into a business or are interested in buying something, the first question most of us ask is, “how much does this cost?” The fitness industry isn’t any different and neither are your clients. Being transparent with pricing, terms, classes, services, etc. is not only ethically sound in business but it is what builds trust with clients and prospects from Day 1.

Having a clear pricing display allows you to empower clients and prospects while also helping you place them into the next appropriate steps for the sales process.

HINT: When you understand early on that a client may find your unlimited monthly membership to be out of their financial comfort zone, you can immediately help them identify the benefits of a lower cost membership or package while still helping them reach personal goals. In that moment, you have most likely won the sale and removed stress or anxiety from the interested client or prospect - now that’s selling with service!

#3 Be Their Personal Guide

Once you have made a successful sale, don’t leave your new client hanging! You’ve helped guide them this far, so let’s make sure they are really set up for success by having you get to know them a little bit better.

What does that mean? Well, a great example would be implementing a new client orientation. In this time, you’ll have the chance to continually personalize the sales process and transform it into a sales relationship. How does that magic happen? Since you would be continuing to communicate and understand what your clients want from this experience, you are able to step into your expert role and help them outline ways to reach those goals.

HINT: This might mean you learn they are interested in a certain type of class and not only could you tell them about those opportunities in person, you may want to add them to an interest list within your marketing platform so they are kept in the loop at all times.

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#4 Prepare the Team

Having a sales process and building a positive sales relationship is not just for one person - it’s for the whole team, the whole business. That means everyone you work with should have a general understanding of this flow and your overall vision.

Why? At ground level, this is so your entire team can support certain staff that may be directly overlapping with clients and prospects in this sales process. The next level of that would be so you can clearly communicate the expectations and identify the best person(s) for the job while simultaneously empowering those in this role to shine.

#5 Trust the Process

Change is scary for everyone but in order to build a better sales relationship, you need to commit to the process for a period of time and see what works and what may not work.

Please keep in mind that, yes, it will take time to show any progress but, as the saying goes, "Rome wasn't built in a day."

Trust the process, give yourself and your team members time to master this change, apply their own unique style to it, and communicate a unified authentic message for your brand.

What is the take-home message?

Sales is all about relationships. Relationships that last, tend to be built on trust.

When your clients and prospects trust that you provide them the best offers and information without financial gain as your first priority, they will be reoccurring purchasers, turn into life-long members, and even bring their friends and family to you too.